Nourishment As Nature Intended.

Prioritize your health and beauty with our range of products made with love and care!

Featured Products

The Everything Tallow


Goose’s Tallow


Coming Soon…


What you put on your skin matters!

Reach for pure, nourishing tallow to feel like an absolute god or goddess as you bask in the sun. Smooth it on your face, glide it on your lips, even let it work its wonders all over—it will change everything. Embrace a radiant glow that feels as natural as the beach breeze

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know us

Welcome to Honey Wave Tallow! We’re passionate about skincare that’s as pure and grounded as nature itself. Inspired by the surf, sun, and simple living, we craft our products with grass-fed tallow, raw honey, and hexane-free castor oil—no chemicals, just clean, nourishing ingredients. Our mission is to bring you skincare that feels good, works wonders, and keeps you connected to the earth. Join us in embracing natural wellness and a little extra glow!

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